Peace - As Life Should Be

Friday, August 26, 2011

My current attitude about life is “One more day in paradise – living the dream”. At one time my attitude was “what’s the use? What’s life all about anyway? Must I live one more day?”

What made the difference? I learned how to connect to Life and defeat depression.

Today I am working daily with hurting people from all walks of life; helping them to overcome depression, addictions and inner turmoil of all kind without drugs and long invasive therapy sessions.

Today I am truly “living the dream” because I have learned how to live free of the entanglements of this world for myself, plus I am privileged to help others escape and so can you. Daily I witness miracles of major proportions; miracles the best medical minds in the world will rarely, if ever witness.

For instance; today I worked with a young man of 28 who has been on antidepressants for a number of years. He has also abused drugs and alcohol in an attempt to find some peace in life.

Our first step in helping the hurting is to ween them off all drugs; prescription and non-prescription alike. We usually encounter some opposition at this step because the medical world tells us we need these drugs to be free from depression and other inner turmoil.

The truth about antidepressants is they make you more depressed. That is why they post a warning about suicidal thoughts, feelings of hurting yourself, nightmares, becoming overly tired, lethargic, etc.

As I began to work with this young man he was very moody, sensitive and easily insulted. He wanted to go lay down all the time and was extremely non-cooperative. Even though his mind was a bit foggy, we made some progress.

This young man has logged many hours on the Therapist's couch and was well programmed with the idea that God could do nothing for him; after all, the best medical minds in his home state could not help him out of that pit of despair, so he reasoned, how could God help him.

After 30 days or so we finally weened him off all his medications. As we weened him off his medications we worked with him regularly, helping him find the areas of his life that caused his turmoil.

Our sessions with him continued bringing him into more and more peace; it's physically visible on people when they begin living in God's promised peace. He currently no longer paces the floor like a caged lion and when he sits to communicate, he sits still and looks us straight in the eye; something he was never able to do while taking his prescribed meds.

Today was his fourth day being off all medications and he told me before we started “I have so much more energy; I am alert, able to think more clearly and actually looking forward to life. Before this I could hardly stand the thought of tomorrow. I always woke up each morning wishing I were dead. Today I am alert early and feel great about life.

Today we gained great ground in his life with his emotional issues. Today we discovered memories where he believed he was: weak, didn't feel like he fit in, never felt good enough as he is, always felt like he was going to be rejected, worthless, lost, out of control, filled with guilt, shame and sadness plus believed he was helpless and inadequate. No wonder he was depressed. All this stuff was on top of what we had already discovered in our previous sessions.

When I talk about sessions you need to know that I am not a Doctor of medicine or a psychologist. I am a minister of the Gospel.

Don't let that fool you because I have the worlds greatest physician living in me and working through me. I simply facilitate meetings between the hurting and The Doctor. God has the answers and will help all who humble themselves enough to ask Him.

Man however, struggles with humbling himself enough to ask God and far too many struggle with even believing God desires to help them.

Some do not believe they deserve God's help so they don't ask while others struggle with believing He still helps people at all because of what religion has shown them; promises with no immediate, measurable results.

I am sure that some reasoning might even go like this "If God truly desires to help, then we need to pay attention to Him. If we begin paying attention to Him, He may take away all our fun."

You call drug addiction, depression, anxiety and fear fun? You call the human degradation of sexual perversion fun? You call spending all your money for your next fix fun? – When your insurance runs out how are you going to fund your habit then?

You might be thinking "I’m not hooked; I’m only on Zoloft, Paxil or Abilify or any of the hundreds of other prescription drugs available and being dispensed today like candy to children on Easter Sunday!"

No, if you are on that stuff you are hooked and it's killing your physical body. Your drug dealer might be a licensed pharmacy but, still a drug dealer. Your Doctor might have prescribed it to you but you are still required to take drugs to alter your feelings!

Illegally addicted or Dr. prescript-ed - what's the difference in the end?

The Good News is - you don’t need to be on these drugs to become free from the issues and struggles of life!

The inner turmoils people are facing is all caused by two things – lies believed about themselves and not controlling the thoughts of their mind.

To permanently change how you feel, you need to know where and when the lie was believed or planted, what caused it and then replace it with the TRUTH.

A therapist may be able to ask enough questions and eventually get you to the origin of your pain. That therapist may be able to help you identify the lie you are believing which is causing your inner turmoil.

There is only one more thing however , your therapist will never be able to replace the lies you believe with the TRUTH; and it takes the TRUTH to make you free.

Man has been trying to change man as long as man has been; only to fail in frustration over and over again down through the centuries. Man's best efforts are still failing and I see the results of it every single day!

Therefore,the Therapist takes out their prescription pad and writes you a prescription for a drug that is supposed to make your pain more tolerable. And, as long as you have insurance you don't feel the financial pinch. When your insurance ends however, you will do what all drug addicts do to get your fix; lie, cheat or steal if necessary! Whatever it takes to numb out.

The Good News is – You don’t need to go there!

God alone has the plan and the capacity to speak to the lie, replacing it with TRUTH!

I work with hurting people every day and have for over 20 years now; God never fails. People always get free from the lies that torment them when they are willing to work with God. So can you!

My book “Your Pain Is Showing!” goes into much detail explaining how this happens, how to talk to God, how to find the source of your pain, why the mind works the way it does and how that can actually drive you crazy, along with God's answer.

Following is the testimony of that young man who experienced this awesome freedom by learning how to talk to God and control the thoughts of his mind. I’ll let his words speak for themselves.

"Before learning how to communicate with God I was always tired and virtually unable to focus on a single thought for longer than a moment. Like many others, I turned to my Doctor for a solution. He prescribed me a daily cocktail of various pills that claimed to treat anxiety and depression. These medications only led me down a path of addiction and further depression. My mind had become more hectic than ever. When I finally learned how to communicate with God I was able to painlessly drop the pills and through His love I live peacefully and happy. My concentration and awareness have never been better." D.C. - Iowa

* * *

First you need to recognize that your inner turmoil is IN YOU; meaning it is not created by anyone or any circumstance currently in your life. Your circumstances and the people in your life simply trigger something that is resident within you.

Your pain is caused by what you believe; no one can make you believe anything. What you believe about you comes from the interpretations of your experiences.

In order to hear from God - the only true source of truth, you must be able to quiet your mind so He can speak to your painful memories.

To help people learn how to quiet their mind without squeezing everything out I ask them to sit upright, close their eyes and shift their mind into neutral. In other words, make your mind not think.

If and when your mind begins to think of something you simply, in your mind, say "No, we are not going there." And you make your mind be still. After a few short seconds of keeping your mind in neutral you will begin to feel your mind relax; your body will quickly follow.

When you have your mind quietly in neutral you simply, verbally talk to God. If you wish to have Him speak to something you ask short, specific questions and then stop to receive from Him.

God speaks into the same mind you think with so the first words entering your mind after you ask your question will be God's answer.

How do you know the difference from your thoughts and God's answer?

Test what you received by speaking aloud what you sense coming into your mind. If it is God, and it will be 99% of the time, you will know it is God as you speak it - it feels TRUE and will always change you.

If it by chance was your mind, you will know it the moment you open your mouth.

If you tell God what you feel and then listen, He will always speak His truth to you. As you receive (speak aloud) His truth it will always change what you are feeling.

My first book Genuine Christianity would also be a good book to read if you are interested in the how-to and why of communicating with God in order to achieve instant physical, emotional results.

God has the answer to perfect emotional health but somehow the church fathers allowed the deceiver to convince them that the clergy could not help the hurting people only the experts...

Logically think about that for a moment - God the creator had no idea or plan to help His created beings find inner peace and only His created beings can actually help themselves! Give me a Break! He's called the Prince of Peace for Pete's sake....

Well, He does have a plan and He is able to help you and everyone you know who is hurting once you hurt bad enough to humble yourself and ask Him. I have personally experienced it and I watch Him helping the hurting every single day.

Stick with me and maybe you will pick up some pointers to help you in your journey to perfect inner peace.

Until Next Time, Relax;

Pastor Larry Low

All books are available on my website or Amazon.

For those interested in learning how to actually help hurting people, check out my training material called "Restoration Ministry Training". This material is also located on my website. Check out what many who currently use this material are saying about the books and the training material.